How Much Does an Instrument Cost?

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As musicians, our instrument is the most important thing (besides practicing!) that we will choose. Depending on the type and quality, prices can range from just a few hundred dollars to thousands. The good news is that there are many different types of instruments available at various price points.

The first thing to consider is whether the musician would benefit from renting before purchasing. Often, this is a great choice for a younger student who is unsure if he wants to continue with his chosen instrument for an extended period of time. Renting will give him time to “try out” his chosen instrument before making a decisive investment. Also, many businesses offer an insurance policy as well. The company will repair any damages to the instrument accidentally caused by the student.

As for purchasing, instruments can be found new and used. Brands and models vary, and it is often easy to find the more popular instruments on the used market. More obscure instruments may require purchasing from dealers or ordering from manufacturers directly. It is always best to confer with the teacher or instructor before making any purchase, whether new or used, in person or online.

For the beginner musician just starting out who wants to try playing without breaking the bank, there are plenty of lower-priced “beginner” models available. These often come with everything needed to get started while also providing decent sound quality for a relatively low price. The beginner should consult his teacher or instructor on what models would be adequate to achieve his goals.

On the other hand, the musician looking for higher quality, professional-sounding instruments may want to invest in a more expensive model. These typically will be made of better materials and feature upscale components that result in a superior sound. They also tend to be more durable than their cheaper counterparts and therefore have the potential to last longer.

It is wise to consider all options before making an instrument purchase. It is possible to find the perfect instrument that fits the individual’s budget while still providing good sound quality and durability. We advise every student to consult his teacher or instructor to discuss what option would be best for him to achieve his musical goals.