Trombone Lessons

Looking For Trombone Lessons in Orange Park?

The trombone is an incredibly versatile and rewarding instrument that can bring hours of joy to those who take the time to learn it. From its rich sound to its wide range of notes, the trombone is a great choice for both experienced and beginner musicians. Its mellow, yet powerful sound adds depth and richness when incorporated into a band or ensemble setting. The trombone uses a slide to change pitches, rather than a valve, and is the only instrument in the brass family to do this!

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What You Will Learn


The trombonist will create a “buzz” sound by vibrating lips together in the mouthpiece. To adjust the pitch, the trombonist will either adjust their embouchure or move the hand slide in or out.  Pushing the hand slide out will lower the pitch and retracting the hand slide will raise the pitch. There are seven different slide positions, but multiple notes can be played on each position.  

Tenor trombones are the most common. One can buy a trombone with an F attachment. One of the advantages of this attachment is that it can let the player play 7th position in 1st position which can be advantageous in fast moving passages of music. 

Some good trombone models for beginners include:

  • Yamaha YSL-354
  • Getzen 351
  • King 606
  • Olds Ambassador
  • Bach TB301

It will take some time and practice to learn where each slide position is located, but mainly the trombonist will learn to listen so he can adjust his embouchure.  

Left-handed trombonists have to play the trombone the same way as their right-handed counterparts. While it may not be easy initially, it gets better with practice.

With the school being conveniently located in Orange Park, it is just a short drive for our students from Fleming Island, Green Cove Springs, Oakleaf, and Jacksonville.

For those who are not local, virtual lessons are also available.